Sunday, October 14, 2007

Ageing boomers warned over sexual secrecy

Tue Oct 9, 12:33 PM ET

SYDNEY (AFP) - Ageing baby boomers risk seeing their sex lives end with a whimper not a bang if they are not prepared to speak about problems associated with growing older, a conference in Australia heard Tuesday.

Members of the generation famous for spearheading the freedoms of the sexual revolution remained sexually active well into their later years, the Australasian Sexual Health Conference was told.

But a discreet silence around their sexuality was inhibiting discussion of sexual problems, said University of Sydney academic Patricia Weerakoon.

"The risk is that when problems arise, they may develop in secret and be concealed by embarrassment, generating misery and fear and suffering," she said.

The conference at the Gold Coast tourist strip near Brisbane heard that sexual activity rates for Australia's ageing population were estimated to mirror those reported in a recently in the United States.

That study showed that 73 percent of 57-64 year-olds were sexually active, dropping to 53 percent between 65-74 and 26 percent between 75-85.

"Baby boomers should also be encouraged to explore the myriad meanings of sexuality and physical and emotional intimacy, rather than strive for that perfect intercourse experience or the increasingly elusive orgasm," said Weerakoon.